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Eficientes em solucionar seus problemas jurídicos

Equipe de Advogado
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Dr. Alessandro Alcino

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  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo

Lawyer, OAB/PR 52,518, with more than 13 years of experience in the areas of Civil Law, Business Law, Banking Law and Consumer Law.


Dr. Odilton Piovesan

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  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo

Lawyer, OAB/PR 51,879, with more than 13 years of experience in the areas of Criminal Law, Family Law and Inheritance.

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Dr. Solange Matos

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  • Instagram - Cinza Círculo

Lawyer, OAB/PR 72,975, with more than 07 years of experience in the area of Social Security Law.

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| Lawyers Team

Áreas de Atuação
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| Practice Areas

The law firm ALESSANDRO ALCINO ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS is prepared to prepare opinions, theses, defenses and effective and assertive legal strategies to meet the legal interests of its clients, in the areas of:

Family Right

Banking Law

Economic Law

Social Security Law

Criminal Law

Civil Right

Business Law

Consumer Law

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| Contact Us


Rua Rosa Cirilo de Castro, 46, Room 02
Garden Polo Center
Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, CEP 85863-735
+55 (45) 3027-7559
+55 (45) 98812-9006

OAB/PR 5,868
CNPJ/MF 27.034.614/0001-40

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